What to do on a lazy Saturday in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "What do you get when you combine tea and books? Paradise, obviously. The staff are very patient and are happy for you to smell samples of each of their many, many teas before choosing, and don’t seem to mind if you sit sipping tea and chatting for aaages. There are delicious treats sitting in the cabinet just waiting to be an afternoon snack and you can browse their selection of novels as you sip your tea. It's the best!"

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  2. 2
    "Dinner and a drink or two at the Claddagh is the perfect way to end a lazy Saturday. The staff are friendly, the food is tasty and the atmosphere is great. Sitting by the heater and polishing off a yummy dessert will make you totally forget the stresses of the week and later on live music will keep you entertained. "

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