Cheap, tasty and healthy in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "This is my favourite spot for picking up dinner on the go. The rolls are around $10 and they’re full of delicious free range pulled chicken, amazing sauce (korean bbq is the best) and veges. If you’re feeling super healthy go for one of their salads."

    Loved by

  2. 2
    "Half and half - eggs and mushrooms on toast is a life changing experience on bread. Plus it’s cheap as chips and they do the best coffee in Auckland."

    Loved by

  3. 3
    "Grab a sambal curry for $14 - it’s healthyish and most importanly cheap/delicious. (if you don’t care about healthy too much, grab a roti to)."

    Loved by

  4. 4


    Auckland Central
    "All the food here is cheapish, gluten free, organic, sugar free and all that other good stuff. So you don’t have to feel bad when you can’t stop eating their delicious fare."

    Loved by

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