The Mount Grey Track is smooth and well maintained. The well benched but sometimes muddy track climbs easily through black beech forest. The scent of honeydew hangs heavily in the air.

The track crosses a pine block then approaches a saddle with a viewpoint. Across a stream, the track soon breaks into snowgrass, passing a microwave repeater tower and ending at the trig on Mount Grey's summit.

Red Beech Track leads to the Mount Grey summit and is a little rougher. Sets off along the ridgeline, soon dropping down to low beech forest sprinkled with Hall's totara.

The track follows the ridge in an arcing descent for quite some time. Eventually a stream is crossed and the track becomes a rolling sidle under scattered Red Beech.

The derelict Possumers Hut is situated on a terrace high above the Grey River just where the track meets the nature walk. Keep left for striking views of the cliffs across the valley.


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Mount Grey has a series of excellent walking tracks, my favourite is the 3-5 hour walk which has amazing views of the Canterbury Plains. Also, the Red Beech Track is fantastic too!