Bulk Food Savings in Mt Eden is one of those wonderful stores that you wish were everywhere in New Zealand.

They have everything you need at amazing prices. It doesn't matter if you are not environmentally, budget or health conscious, there is something for everyone. From a whole variety of organic and natural foods, spices and household products to non-organic goods and products to save you money.

Products and specialities

Wholefood and Bulk food specialist
Baking goods
Nuts, seeds, dried fruit, spices
Household Products


  • Mon -
  • Tues -
  • Wed -
  • Thurs -
  • Fri -
  • Sat -
  • Sun -
  • HolidaysClosed

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This is really a great store, everything you need for anyone who has any kind of special food requirement - vegetarians, vegans, gluten free, dairy free and the health conscious

Bulk Food Savings is great for bulk bin items, or you can get pre packaged items, often at a fraction of the cost of the supermarket. They carry a big range of organic products, plus lots of non-organic too, lots of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, baking needs, oats, flour, lentils, beans etc. An oasis for vegetarians. Our favourite product, which we will make a trip especially for is their grain mix, which is amazing in homemade bread. It has all sorts of goodness all mixed together, and turns a normal loaf into a delicious multigrain loaf with no extra effort. It's really reasonably priced. 

This is one of the few remaining bulk bin places around Auckland, which is great, especially given the central location. They have lots of interesting little things as well as the bulk foods and cleaning products. I'm a regular.

Having this place nearby has has been invaluable over the last couple of years. Got me making my own muesli and stuff like that. Products not always as cheap as some of the bulk selection at the nearby Indian grocers - but always consistently good quality.

You can get almost everything you need here to cook and bake - amazing array of spices, dried fruits, flours and all those niggley bits you can never find at the supermarket. (like pomegranate molasses.) You can also get natural cleaning products and animal food. It feels great to get all of this stuff cheaper from an independent store like this and only zip over to Countdown when you have to.

They buy in bulk & make smaller packages of spices, flours, dried fruit, baking stuff etc. The range is wider than the supermarket (e.g. almond or rice flour) & cheaper than specialist shops for vege/vegan stuff. You can bulk fill laundry liquids too!