Best lunch bites in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "Uber-hipster, Espressoholic is certainly one of the places to be seen. Consider yourself Cuba St royalty if you've managed to snare one of their two outdoor-yet-sheltered smoking areas. The iconic coffee served here is complemented well by their awesome array of cabinet food."

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  2. 2
    "Who knew fish and chips could be so complex? Choose your fish (obviously), your chips (less obvious) and your batter (freakin’ awesome). The agria chips are sensational, whilst I’d recommend getting whichever fish you go for tempura-style. Definitely worth the extra dollar or two. No longer will we accept greasy fish and oily chips; like every other food genre, the humble old chippy has had to evolve to fit our needs and fads. Expect to see then, therefore, an ever-changing, seasonal menu reflective on what’s been caught that day. Even have your Akaroa salmon fillet grilled; how gourmet is that."

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