Pack your sunnies, sun screen,Hawaiian shirt and welcome yourself to a slice of New Zealand paradise. Mount Manganui beach located in the Bay of Plenty is infamous amongst New Zealanders and a right of passage for all holiday goers. The beach is a beautiful stretch of golden sand renowned for it's surf, safe waters and tropical climate.

The beach holds an array of activities from surf contests, volleyball and sand castle building.You haven't completed this beach experience unless scaling'The Mount' located at the western end of the beach offering 360 degree views.

Products and specialities

Scenic beach, hiking tracks, surf... sunburn.


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Base Track The walk around the mount is a nice easy stroll and can be done by people of all different ages and abilities. The view while you are walking is superb and changes depending on where you are on the track. The path is busy so keep left and smiling at everyone that walks by seems to be the thing to do :)

Get to have my own space.. or just away from people for a while lol

One of the most popular holiday spots in the country. The best thing about a beach that stretches as far as the eye can see is exactly that. Plenty of space for those wanting to get away from the crowds and find a lonely spot to chill.