The Hastings Blossom Festival takes place annually in September to celebrate the arrival of spring and the fruit growing season. The festival is one of Hasting's premier visitor attractions and is organised by Creative Hastings with the involvement of local community groups, businesses and schools.
The highlight of the festival is a themed parade with over 40 floats on display. There are also performances, activities and food stalls to enjoy throughout the day.
Dating back to 1950, the 1960 event caused a riot when cancellation of the parade led to battles between police and attendees.

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This lively parade heralds in spring and the blossoming of the city’s picturesque trees and gardens. The annual festival kicks off its parade on Saturday September 12 at 11am start. It’s a must-see and full of creativity, community, colour, humour and frivolity. This year’s theme is great things grow here.

Blossoms, colour, community, music, vibrancy, fun and magic. With a taste of Rio the Hastings Blossom Parade celebrates the arrival of spring in Hawke’s Bay and is a street party not to be missed. This year’s theme is Spring: Back to the Future so book out 11am, Saturday September 13 in central Hastings. My favourites – the foam cannon and the hip-swaying Wellington Batucada, AKSamba and SambaTron.

It may be a month away, but now is the time to get on board and celebrate the arrival of the Hawke’s Bay spring. The theme this year is Back to the Future, retro 50s and 60s - think back to the heydays of the parade when 50,000 people lined the streets. Get out there and start shopping for supplies to decorate a car, motorbike, bicycle or pram and promote your community or organisation, dance group, school, sports team or social club. Check out for a list of categories and prizes.