Traffic jams to see Franklin Road lights -Photos

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Around Ponsonby last night, there were traffic jams as motorists sought to travel down Franklin Road to see the annual house Christmas lighting displays.

In all, 105 houses are lit up with amazing decorations.

It's best to find somewhere to park and walk down.

You'll be able to see the display any night until Christmas Eve. The lights are switched off at 11pm.

It's near Ponsonby Rd so check out cafes and restaurants in Ponsonby on Localist before you go so you make a night of it.

Here's Localist's Complete Guide to Christmas - all you need to know

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  • What wonderful lights! Can't wait to see them in person

  • Ditto!

  • Thanks Nigel, great photos...

  • Awesome photos Nigel!

  • Awesome, Thank you for sharing wonderful pictures. Enjoying pre Christmas celebration.