Best places for MAN-sized meals in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "One of our favourite Sunday drives is to the historic Riverhead pub, which on a good day is just twenty minutes drive from the city. It is a comfortable cruise with beers, wines and stellar hot chips to reward the effort, or more bistro- type fare is available in their restaurant area. The car park is also a petrol head’s dream as it is usually packed tight with hot rods, bikes and muscle cars galore."
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  2. 2
    "I love a food risotto on a cold day/night, and spend most of the winter trying all I can in the search for the best out there. My latest discovery was on the specials board at Grey Lynn restaurant Delicious, and came with chicken, broad beans and a rich provolone. It was pretty damn perfect and as it was available in entree or main size could be easily snaffled for lunch. Yum."
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  3. 3
    "Not a place to take vegetarian friends or when you’re feeling like a ‘light snack’, El Sizzling Chorizo specialise in hearty, delicious Argentinian barbecue feasts that will keep you full for days. Just the smell will get your tastebuds tingling, so make sure you arrive with an empty belly and an open mind."

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